Peristiwa Menyedihkan di SMK Lingga Kencana Depok
Pada hari Senin (13/5), Devi (33) dengan berat hati mengambil koper berwarna hitam dari tumpukan barang-barang yang ditinggalkan korban kecelakaan di depan kantor Kepala Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Lingga Kencana, Depok, Jawa Barat. Tumpukan barang-barang tersebut melepaskan aroma kurang sedap, berisi berbagai item seperti tas, sepatu, jaket, dan koper, menunjukkan kesaksian tragis dari tumpahan darah.
Details Kecelakaan Bus Trans Putera Fajar
Barang-barang tersebut merupakan sisa dari tragedi kecelakaan Bus Trans Putera Fajar di Subang, Jawa Barat, pada Sabtu malam (11/5) yang mana bus transportasi ini mengangkut rombongan siswa dari SMK Lingga Kencana Depok. Akibat kecelakaan ini, sejumlah 11 nyawa melayang, termasuk sembilan siswa, seorang warga setempat, dan satu guru.
Dampak Kecelakaan pada Keluarga Korban
Devi merupakan salah satu anggota keluarga dari korban yang berkunjung ke sekolah untuk menemui barang-barang milik anggota keluarganya. Adiknya, Dea, merupakan salah satu korban yang terluka dalam kecelakaan ini. "Barang-barang yang berhasil saya ambil hanyalah koper dan tas, serta mukenah. Namun, dompet, KTP, dan HP tidak ditemukan," ujar Devi.
Kesaksian Korban Selamat
Berdasarkan cerita Dea yang duduk di kursi belakang bus ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi, Dea tidak sadar ketika bus itu terbalik dan hanya tersadar berkat teriakan dari teman sebayanya. Devi mengungkapkan bahwa adiknya dan beberapa rekan lain berhasil keluar melalui celah di bagian atas bus, yang sudah dirusak oleh teman-temannya. Kini Dea dirawat di rumah dengan luka memar dan trauma.
Cerita Korban Lain yang Selamat
Seorang korban selamat lainnya, Ega, berbagi pengalaman nya saat bus itu terbalik. Dia menyelamatkan dirinya dan orang di sebelahnya, dan berhasil keluar dari bagian atas bus.
Testimoni Sebelum Terjadi Kecelakaan
Sebelum kecelakaan itu, Ega mengingat mendengar bus tersebut mengalami masalah rem. Ia berkata, "Saya mendengar bahwa rem bus itu bermasalah setelah kita berhenti makan dan melanjutkan perjalanan." Dia juga mendengar teriakan dan ucapan istighfar sebelum bus itu terjatuh dan terbalik. Selain itu, ia merujuk bahwa bus tersebut sempat mengalami masalah saat perjalanan berangkat, meskipun ia tidak yakin apa masalahnya.
Masalah Teknis Bus Sebelum Peristiwa
Ega juga memperjelas bahwa bus telah mengalami masalah sebelum kecelakaan terjadi, dengan mengingat bus tersebut sempat berhenti di suatu tempat selama kurang lebih 30 menit sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan. Dengan rasa waswas, ia mengatakan bahwa ia tidak tahu persis apa yang menjadi masalah dengan bus tersebut.
Sad incident at Lingga Kencana Vocational School, Depok
On Monday (13/5), Devi (33) reluctantly took a black suitcase from the pile of belongings left by the accident victim in front of the office of the Principal of Lingga Kencana Vocational High School (SMK), Depok, West Java. The pile of belongings, releasing an unpleasant odor, contained various items such as bags, shoes, jackets and suitcases, bearing tragic testimony to the blood spill.
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Details of the Trans Putera Fajar Bus Accident
These items are the remains of the Trans Putera Fajar Bus accident tragedy in Subang, West Java, on Saturday night (11/5) in which the transport bus was carrying a group of students from Lingga Kencana Vocational School, Depok. As a result of this accident, 11 lives were lost, including nine students, a local resident and one teacher.
The Impact of Accidents on the Victim's Family
Devi is one of the family members of the victim who visited the school to find belongings belonging to her family members. His sister, Dea, was one of the victims injured in this accident. "The only items I managed to take were suitcases and bags, as well as mukenah. However, my wallet, ID card and cellphone were not found," said Devi.
Testimony of Survivors
Based on Dea's story, who was sitting in the back seat of the bus when the accident occurred, Dea was not aware when the bus overturned and only woke up thanks to the screams of her peers. Devi revealed that her sister and several other colleagues managed to get out through a gap in the top of the bus, which had been damaged by her friends. Now Dea is being treated at home with bruises and trauma.
Stories of Other Survivors
Another survivor, Ega, shared his experience when the bus overturned. He saved himself and the person next to him, and managed to get out of the top of the bus.
Testimonials Before an Accident Occurs
Before the accident, Ega remembered hearing that the bus was having brake problems. He said, "I heard that the bus had a brake problem after we stopped eating and continued on our way." He also heard screams and words of forgiveness before the bus fell and overturned. Apart from that, he mentioned that the bus had experienced problems when the journey departed, although he was not sure what the problem was.
Bus Technical Problems Before the Event
Ega also made it clear that the bus had experienced problems before the accident occurred, remembering that the bus had stopped somewhere for approximately 30 minutes before continuing its journey. With anxiety, he said that he didn't know exactly what was the problem with the bus.
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